Wednesday 29 September 2010

White Girl - Assessed Task 1

Video Extract
TV Drama Sequence: White Girl

Answer the question below with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract only.

1. Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of religion using the following:
· Camera shots, angles and movements
· Mise-en-scene
· Sound

Thursday 16 September 2010

Denotation/Connotation Reading of Skins Posters

Character dress: dress provides lots of information about a character’s job, behaviour, status and many other details.

Additional Props
Props complete a characters dress by adding more particular detail and refining our picture of the character

Location architecture: the basic architecture of a location, be it a house, hospital or beach, is very similar in it’s functionality to a character’s dress. It provides a lot of information about the persons that fit in it, and sometimes about what is most likely to take place.

Interior Design:
Actual design, layout and selection of style, provides another reference point that allows us to learn more about the locations and the related character/sAdditional props: like characters, locations are also a sum of their parts. Props can add additional information about what this specific location is and about the person it belongs to.

An important part of mise-en-scene in that it creates mood and atmosphere. Colour can be created by the objects themselves being a certain colour or by the set being ‘washed’ in a certain colour through the use of coloured lighting, or a coloured filter on a lens.

whether is it natural or artificial lighting, high or low key, lighting makes us look in
specific places. Absence of light can be as significant as what is shown by light. What atmosphere is being created by the lighting (think about the connotations of a room lit by candles)? A room that is brightly lit by neon lights might seem to be sterile or a shadowy room might be eerie or scary.

1. How are teenagers being represented in these posters? Is it a realistic portrayal? Is it plausible or believable? Do you consider this to be a positive or negative representation, or maybe a mix of both?
2. What different responses might audience members make to these representations?
3. Do you think that anyone would find these images offensive? Did they cause any reaction or controversy?