Wednesday 26 January 2011


· Seasonal theme: when the colours and contents of a magazine relate to the time of year e.g. red hearts in February issue for Valentines Day
· Mise-en-scene: the way in which every element of the text is arranged to create meanings.

· Anchorage text: writing that fixes the meaning of an image

· Buzz word: a word that stands out on the text, for example, ‘Free’ or ‘Exclusive’
· Key signifier: the first thing on a cover that attracts the eye – it could be images or words

· Puffs: the information on the front cover that give snippets of information about what will be in the magazines contents

· Superimposition: when images and words are laid over each other. It is a convention of magazines that the title is covered by the central image – it is assumed the audience will recognise the title anyway.

· Graphic Feature: A symbol that highlight pieces of information, for example an arrow pointing to an image

· Slogan: A piece of information, usually found at the top of the magazine, that boasts about how great the magazine is, like a catchphrase for the magazine

· Central image: The main image on the page, usually with a direct mode of address unless it is an action shot.